Week 5: "Contract with God" and "Doot Doot Garden"

When reading "Contract with God" I thought it was done really interestingly with how the text is done and the style of the work. The text is sort of integrated with the design of each panel, and there's not really any text in a box type way that most comics usually use. Will Eisner really utilizes the space he has and he does it well with how things flow together. There is also a hatching style with pen and ink that really helps set the mood of the whole piece, and it really gives this vibe that the story is sad and depressing, and rather hopeless at times. I also really enjoyed the story overall and I like how each character was portrayed. I think though that the first part of the story was my favorite for the reasons that this man, Frimme Hersh, started out as a kind man and gave up himself because of the loss of his daughter. This part in itself is sad but I like the portrayal of how there are good people but can easily change because of a tragic event.

Reading "Doot Doot Garden" I got a completely different feeling from just the style alone. The funky looking characters and the more blocky the value there was made it more fun. The dialogue made me laugh a lot and I like that it was more crude with the humor. Unlike "Contract with God" this story has panels that are more rectangular, but they also are curvy rectangles that give off a more sporadic feeling. It was cool too how the stories jumped back and forth which kept me interested to know what was going to happen next. Overall, both stories were very different from each other but I enjoyed how the moods for both were very prominent in telling the story and were kept consistent throughout.


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