"Understanding Comics" by Scott McCloud
I really enjoyed reading about how comics are made and the huge amount of effort put in. I think one of the parts that stood out the most to me was the part where Scott talks about faces in comics. In the panels about faces he shows us how humans can take 2 dots and a line to make it seem like a human face. This is especially interesting to me because I enjoy making characters and I wondered why sometimes even the simplest characters can become so impactful. Learning that sometimes making a character more simple can make us more likely to put ourselves into that characters shoes because we can see ourselves in them easier. I liked the use of the "picture plane" which helped to express how language and the picture represent the graphic novel or comic. Both are important in their own way. I also really enjoyed learning about the panel-to-panel transitions and how each one has a specific function. When reading about moment-to-moment, I recalled my reading of "The Arriva...