The Arrival

The Arrival is a very interesting story that is able to clearly explain a narrative without the use of any words. Although it has no words, I think pretty much anyone can understand this story and those who have had a similar experience can especially feel that way.

One reason The Arrival is able to tell a story without words is because it gives off such specific emotions. By that I mean you can see it in how the main character interacts with other people or even when he is trying to understand the language of this new place. The expressions he has are so relatable and realistic that I even found myself laughing at the man squinting and acting confused just trying to figure out the time. I also could relate really well to when he was trying to figure out where to go because I myself get lost a lot and confused by directions, so seeing it amplified by him not even knowing the language made me have a better sense of how the character felt. The body language of the man also invokes feelings of confusion, sadness, nervousness, and happiness. I could feel these emotions as if I was the man and how challenging it must have been.

Another thing Shaun Tan did really well is how he shared the story sometimes by showing each frame of movement. When I read other comics/graphic novels, most of the time they show a suggestion of what’s about to happen, but I like the realistic approach to it. It made it seem like I was watching a movie or maybe living as the man, and the realistic style of the story, with it’s beautiful shading and tone, also helped express that. The realistic style coupled with a fantasy element makes you feel apart of the world.

I really loved The Arrival because of how much emotion I could feel from it. I think it is a nice, simple read and although it has its sad moments, it’s happy in the end.


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